Saturday, January 17, 2015

      So the year has ended. I have grown so much in my spiritual life.  I have learned that I love saying novenas - praying spontaneously is hard for me, but novenas give me a structure that I need.
      I also learned that I love praying for others. Priests are number one on my list to pray for. After that anyone and everyone who asks for my prayer. If you are a priest and want/need prayers - drop me a line on twitter and I will pray for you I am @stitcherdragon on there.
    I am not good at putting fruits of prayer into words, but I feel closer to God, more willing to approach Him in adoration chapels ( something I never would have done before this) and more willing to engage him by talking and tellling him what is on my mind, both the good and the bad. Thanksgivings happen more often than tears- but tears do happen.
     I've learned it's ok, to ask that God show you what he wants you to learn from something, an experience, a person, a tragedy.  Often He will. When he does it's life changing...certainly attitude changing, but it will touch your soul in ways that you can't imagine.
   I have learned that the "communion of Saints" is real, that there are always people willing to lend their support and prayers to one who asks. That those people are sometimes on earth, sometimes in heaven, but they are there- joined with you in prayer, praise and thanksgiving.
    I've learned that when it feels like no-one else is listening, go to Mary, she has a soft spot for the forlorn and abandoned. Her love leads us to her Son and that she is always waiting for us to tell her our troubles--or to our pleas for another.
   I've also learn that I want to spend my life praying and serving priests. I just don't know how to make that happen, yet- where God wants me.
   I just know I trust him to make it happen according to His wishes and in His time.

    In short --I have grown

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mid December.

 So far this month I have done the Novena for the Immaculate Conception. This is always tough for me. Not sure why by this is not my favorite name - or  side- of Mary.  But I did pray it...Hysterically I forgot my intention from the first day by the second, so I asked "for whatever I asked for the first day as well as Special graces for Father David Bialkowski and for my vocation and financial situation"  I think Mary has a sense of humor.  I pray she does, at least!

   I am set to finish up a 54 day Rosary Novena this week. The intention for that was Father David Bialkowski. Father David, if you ever stumble across this, I want to hear from you! I will continue to pray for you, until YOU tell me to stop. :)
   I will do a Christmas Novena that starts on the 16th and ends on the 24th. It is found here.

My intentions will be all my twitter priests, as well as Father Leon, Father David Richards, Father Li Puma, Father David Bialkowski and Brother Michael Baker, for all their intentions and needs and that all the graces of heaven rain down on them.

  I am writing it here so that I don't forget it this time! <instert sad grin here/>

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Late Post for November.

I started did a St Jude Novena this month, for Father David Bialkowski. As well as a Started a 54 day Rosary Novena for him.   
I will finish the Novena  on the 17th of December. 

I also started a Novena to the Immaculate Conception on the 29th of November that will end tomorrow, December 8th. 

I am  looking for a Novena for December.  I hope I can find one that will end on Christmas Eve.

Friday, October 17, 2014


This month I was involved in a 54 day rosary novena with an online group I am in. But I also am doing a Novena to St Anthony Mary Zaccaria who founded the Barnabites. I am doing it for the Kind Branabites that I know. ( Yes, I know one very unkind Barnabite Priest- I struggle with praying for him) It is in thanksgiving for their kindnesses- of which there have been many.
   I am also doing a 9 day Rosary for Father David Bialkowski, because I want him back in my life, he's been gone for 4 years. Lastly I am considering doing another 54 day novena for him....yes, I miss him that much. Father B. if you ever read this - you are missed and prayed for daily.
   I am already planning for next month. Not sure even what Novena I am going to do....this month's Novena to St Anthony Mary Zaccaria came about because of an incident at the Fatima Shrine in Lewsiton, NY that is still painful.  I am not sure what to do about next month. Hopefully something will reveal itself.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


 This month has been so hard.....I have been doing a 54 day Novena, and the St Theresa Novena.  Or rather I tried the St Theresa Novena.  I went for three days, and two of the three ended with me being physically hurt, because my knees are so bad that I can not use the kneelers. No one else wants to kneel on the floor- this did not end well in a crowded church. Sigh.
 The 54 day Novena, I had a hard time getting started on - but I think I am on track now.
  Part of the issue with the 54 day rosary Novena is that I say at least two rosaries a day anyhow and loose track. I love the Rosary. And I love saying it while I drive.  I offer the first Rosary in Thanksgiving for Father Leon B, Father Dave R, Father Dave B. and Brother Michael B, MIC the second I offer for their needs and intentions. Some days - those are the only intentions I can pray for.  Other days I can pray as many as 6 or 7 Rosaries.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August Round Up

Ok, I finished the Novena in solidarity with the Oklahoma Bishop trying to stop the Satamic Mass in his diocese.  It was harder to remeber to say the prayers everyday for some reason than it was to not eat meat and only have 1 full meal and two smaller meals all day. Seriously sad.

This was the one Novena I did this month, but I have started saying several rosaries a day, for various intentions.

1st in Thanksgiving for Father Leon B and Father David R.
2nd For the needs and intentions of Father Leon B and Father David R.
3rd for Bishops Maloney and Kmiec of Buffalo
4th for the 54 day Novena ( if I have one going on)
5 For Fathers David B andTony H,  Jessel G,Brother Michael and Seminarian Bobby
6 For Fathers, Chris F, Father Ambrose, Father Kevin G, and Father Prospero.
If I get farther than that I say one for all Jesuits.

I really am getting to love and be protective of "my" priests.  I guess you love what and whom you pray for.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Everyone needs to read this letter from a Chaldean Catholic Patriarch in Iraq

Read, Pray, Act.