I have been doing a Novena in honor of the Restoration of the Jesuit Order this week, you can find it here. It is wonderful, beautiful and I hope they leave it up after it ends. I want to re-listen to it later.
Some might now how much I love the Jesuit Order. Learning about their history has given me so much - Spiritual Superheros for one. I have many Jesuits on my twitter feed, and learn so much from them about Social Justice. Some of my opinions about things have totally changed. Other things I had no opinion on - I do now. And still others - I have found that I totally agree with them from the get go. I am loving the education and the interaction with them. One in particualr has been a God Send in this, Father Jason Welle, SJ - has really posted a ton of stuff that makes me think, research, read and then re-read what he posted. Amazing. Pray for him if you would, he's such a blessing.
I also did a Novena to St John Vianney, the Patron of Parish Priests. I prayed it for Father Leon Biernat and Father David Richards. May they be blessed as they bless us who are led by them.
I have gotten to the point where I am attending Mass most days, and praying several rosaries a day. I start with one in Thanksgiving for Father Leon and Father Dave and then one for their needs and intentions. I hope they don't mind.
After that if I am still praying I do another rosary in honor of my "twitter priests" - all the priests I have followed or who follow me ( or both!) on twitter.com And then one in honour of the Jesuits. And so forth.
I enjoy the rosary so much!
I also am looking to deepen my relationship with God, my prayer life, but the prayer books I was using are just not cutting it at this time. It feels like I am reading rathering talking with my Father. So again I am turning to my Jesuits. I started with the Jesuit Relations in grad school, and just finished reading St Ignatius of Loyola's autobiography. Now I want more on him, and his spirituality. Not sure where to go from here tho'. Gonna have to post to "my" priests.
What started as a New Year's Resolution has grown into so much more. I will let you know how this journey progresses.
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