Monday, December 15, 2014

Mid December.

 So far this month I have done the Novena for the Immaculate Conception. This is always tough for me. Not sure why by this is not my favorite name - or  side- of Mary.  But I did pray it...Hysterically I forgot my intention from the first day by the second, so I asked "for whatever I asked for the first day as well as Special graces for Father David Bialkowski and for my vocation and financial situation"  I think Mary has a sense of humor.  I pray she does, at least!

   I am set to finish up a 54 day Rosary Novena this week. The intention for that was Father David Bialkowski. Father David, if you ever stumble across this, I want to hear from you! I will continue to pray for you, until YOU tell me to stop. :)
   I will do a Christmas Novena that starts on the 16th and ends on the 24th. It is found here.

My intentions will be all my twitter priests, as well as Father Leon, Father David Richards, Father Li Puma, Father David Bialkowski and Brother Michael Baker, for all their intentions and needs and that all the graces of heaven rain down on them.

  I am writing it here so that I don't forget it this time! <instert sad grin here/>

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Late Post for November.

I started did a St Jude Novena this month, for Father David Bialkowski. As well as a Started a 54 day Rosary Novena for him.   
I will finish the Novena  on the 17th of December. 

I also started a Novena to the Immaculate Conception on the 29th of November that will end tomorrow, December 8th. 

I am  looking for a Novena for December.  I hope I can find one that will end on Christmas Eve.